The Total Quidditch. Podcast Episode 35- The One with the QuidditchUK Presidents Part 1

The One with the QuidditchUK Presidents Part 1

In our first ever two part episode, we sat down to talk with 4 out of 5 of the QuidditchUK Presidents. Rob Barringer, Ben Morton, Mel Piper and Matt Bateman joined us for what ended up being a 3 hour conversation about their respective experiences leading Quidditch in the UK and shedding light on what it takes to run a National Governing Body for an emerging sport. Part 1 focuses more on the origins of quidditch in the UK, the establishment of QuidditchUK as an organisation and where it went on to from there. Part 2 is more centred on the challenges of the last couple of years as well as looking to the future of the sport. 

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We hope you enjoy this Part 1, make sure you watch out for Part 2 coming next week.

Photo Credits- QuidditchUK, LN Graphics and Photography, Matt Bateman, Aym Maidment, Ben Morton, Southampton Quidditch Club 



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