European All-Time Fantasy Fantasy Draft & Tournament- Results

Here we are, at the end of a project that started back in mid-July. 8 General Managers (GMs) drafting 8 teams of the best talent in European quidditch history. 5 weeks of drafting to form a 16 player roster with 1 captain and 1 coach per squad. 128 players total from 17 different countries. Only one 1 winner. As you can see, numbers are going to be a key feature of this piece. It's the moment of truth, the time to reveal the results of the Public Vote, Judges Vote and combined scores to determine the winner of this European All-Time Fantasy Fantasy Draft & Tournament. 

Before we jump into it, it's worth reminding you how the voting works. The final result is determined via a Public vote (accounting for 45% of the teams' final scores) and a Judges vote (accounting for 55% of the teams' final scores). The judging panel consists of 11 judges- 3 independents and 8 team judges, the team judges only ranked the other 7 teams in order to maintain impartiality, in the same fashion as Eurovision. Both the Public and Judges were asked to choose their favourite value pick of the draft and their favourite undrafted player while the Judges were asked to provide reasoning to justify their selections. To allow for critical analysis, the selected Judges' quotes are anonymous but at the end of each will be the position that that judge gave to that team in order to provide some context for their remarks.

Anyway, now we've got that out of the way, here are the results of the Public vote!

Original Image (Photo) Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

Public Vote

Vote turnout- 120

1st- Stein Elgethun (NOR)- 25.8% vote share

2nd- Glenn Bellégou (BEL)- 19.2% vote share

3rd- Lucy Quidditch (UK)- 18.3% vote share

4th- James Thanangadan (UK)

5th- Amund Kulsrud Storruste (NOR)

6th- Michele Clabassi (ITA)

7th=- Lore Badts (BEL)

7th=- Andrew Hull (UK)

Public's Top 3 Favourite Value Picks

1st=- Ali Deniz Uçar (TUR) & Alex Macartney (UK)

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography (left), Hannah Dignum (right)

3rd=- Neil Kemister (GER/AUS) & Julia Piazolo (GER)

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography (left), Van Klaveren Quidditch Photography (right)

Public's Top 3 Favourite Undrafted Players

1st- Kerry Aziz (UK/IRE)

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

2nd- Lucy Edlund (UK)

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography 

3rd=- Anjit Aulakh (UK) & Nick De Leu (BEL)


Photo Credit- More Quidditch Photos

Photo Credit- Elstad Quidditch Photography

Judges Vote (In reverse order)

8th- Lore Badts (BEL)

Highest Judge Ranking- 6th                                                 Lowest Judge Ranking- 8th

"Benan Emre, Andrea Wöger, Nadine Cyrannek, and Nathan Wilputte are four of the strongest female and non-binary players in the game, but this team lacks cohesion – it just doesn’t make sense and feels more like a random assortment of players rather than a squad with clear roles. If this draft was five years from now, maybe Denmark would have produced a player who we could be considered one of “Europe’s GOATs” but right now it’s too soon for them as an NGB, especially when talented players from much older and established NGBs didn’t make the pick. Would I absolutely love playing on this team at a fantasy tournament? Yes. Does it win here? No." (8th)

"Loving the idea of turning the 4 male 2 non-male concept on it's head in this one. Top european female and GNC picks in every role. Not convinced if this is enough to compensate the lack of physicality, compared to the other teams in the draft, though." (7th)

"What I like about this team is the focus on strong female leadership and female talent in general as well as some very original picks in the form of lesser known players. What I think this team is missing, though, is a structured approach regarding balancing of the different positions. For some picks, I personally think there were better options available." (7th)

"The likes of Nathan Wilputte, Andrea Wöger, Soraya Abbagnato and Cédric Chillan gives them enough star power to beat Michele's team, but apart from that some doubtful picks which they will feel once they rotate." (6th)

7th- Michele Clabassi (ITA)

Highest Judge Ranking- 3rd                                            Lowest Judge Ranking- 7th 

"Maybe the best beater-line up in this draft. Drafting two primary players at this position (Ecem Bedriye Satıcı and Leon Bürgers) in the first to rounds set the bar high. I also like the quaffle play-style Clabassi is going for with Ottensmeier and Van Halem as his main playmakers backed up with female power. Massin as a force at the seeker position can win games. I think this team could go for a deep run at the tournament." (3rd)

"Michele's team might not be the expected winner for this tournament, but can definitely give the others a run for their money with Ecem and Leon Bürgers as aggressive beaters and tackle icons Rosa Kuhn and Jemma Thripp in defense. They could be the dark horse at the tournament, who surprise us all." (6th)

"Great beater core, but lacking quality chasing wise. No elite ball handlers will hurt them." (7th)

Now, this team might not look like it is full of superstars but it sure is a team formed of teamplayers, and if they cooperate correctly, they might give hard time to some of their opponents. Heinrich Ottensmeier is one of the most talented keepers in Germany with a great tactical understanding, pairing him up with Darmstadt's master keeper Patrick Van Halem under the old school coaching of Ash Cooper might give tasteful results. The quality of old school UK Quidditch can lighten up the pitch with additions from one of the fastest players the pitch has ever seen, Ollie Craig, and the physicality Jemma Thripp brings might be a game changer. The beater team would most likely be led under the supervision of one of Europe's tactical masterminds, Tim van Huygevoort, with aggression and physicality in every single member of the beating bench; Ecem Bedriye Satıcı and Amel Belferroum are both players who don't know the meaning of giving up, and Leon Bürgers is just the full court beating presser every team needs. This sure is an unusual combination of players and might suffer from lack of chemistry as well as bench depth; but if led properly, in which Cooper can surely be trusted with, they might cause some upsets." (5th)

6th- Glenn Bellégou (BEL)

Highest Judge Ranking- 1st                                          Lowest Judge Ranking- 8th 

"To be fair, the Ali Deniz Uçar - Jan Kohler beater duo is probably the deadliest beater duo in this tournament but the team lacks the beater bench. Though Glenn did not mention anything about having them play together, these two would eat up most of the beater pairs in this tournament. And this is just the beginning; Meike Hinz might be unfamiliar to some, but she has a deadly shooting skill with amazing physicality, her added with two great receivers in Yaren Uçar and Hanne Hermans? This team would be deadly both in and out of the keeper zone on the offense. Aaron Veale and Mikel Poisse as playmakers would for sure break a lot of hearts on pitch, and win a lot of spectators off pitch; for a more physical defense, that is if physicality of Hinz is not already exhausting for the opponent, one might play as a point chaser as both are highly capable tacklers. More quaffle depth comes with one of the top three playmakers from Turkey, Ege Berk Tuna, and a hard to stop receiver Emile Aerts; not to mention Cansu Bozkurt, who can offer similar ability to Hinz in terms of deadly shots. This team would have little problems subbing in and out their quaffle players. However, the fine line is drawn by beater depth again; there is an opportunity cost of playing the Uçar - Kohler duo for a long time as the beater bench might suffer trying to replace their energy and power. Reyniers and Piens are definitely two of the best free beaters but it might be hard for them to keep up against more physical beater pairs; still, this team promises to make its way to the finals, and who knows, maybe the gold!" (1st)

"Aaron and Mikel are great if extremely contrasting players as Mikel is tall and Aaron looks like he is just going to secondary school." (6th)

"Some good picks, but some reaches. Mikel would have been there in the second round." (8th)

"Will probably not play the most beautiful quidditch, but will win the tournament by having Aaron AND Mikel. The huge shooting threat of those two opens up a lot of opportunities for Emile Aerts, Hanne Hermans and Yaren Uçar. If you have Ege Berk and Ulrik Olsen as back-ups you are GOOD. Won't have a lot of control but are good enough to give opportunities to Jan Kohler and Reuben Thompson as seekers. Maybe a hipster pick but oh well" (1st)

5th- Andrew Hull (UK)

Highest Judge Ranking- 1st                                                Lowest Judge Ranking- 7th

"One word: Experience. My number one pick. Two exceptional non-male beaters with Carina Werner and Jana Chung. Even deadlier combined with the aggressive cannon from Amund Kulsrud Storruste and the more conservative but smart Jan Mikołajczak. You can make a deep tournament run with this beating lineup alone. Quaffle players are a very complete package. You have female British powerpicks with Jackie Woodburn and Abbi Harris, top playmakers with Albert Bregeault, Rojcan Azbay and Ahmet Can Karakadılar, one of the best fast-break players with Lenny Vincent, while also providing some great synergy with Bregeault at the same time. Ben Malpass and Ed Brett round out the lineup adding some great depth. Seeking is toxic. You will have no problem finishing the game with Neil Kemister and Callum Lake." (1st)

"Solid team but some reaches due to regional bias." (5th)

"Only four beaters on the roster? That's very optimistic going into a tournament. Even the strong chaser line-up and seeker talent won't compensate that lack of depth." (7th)

"An Amund / Jan combination would be so, so fun to watch; defences would be completely opened up for Albert to stroll the ball in himself, or (if he felt like making a pass) any of combination of Abbi, Emeline, or Jackie would finish the job." (2nd)

"Deadly seeker combo, but I don't see them being in range with the top 3 teams." (4th)

4th- Amund Kulsrud Storruste (NOR)

Highest Judge Ranking- 2nd                                               Lowest Judge Ranking- 6th

"Amazing quaffle game, but doesn't have the beaters to back it up." (5th)

"An excellent quaffle lineup with an unfortunately not-impenetrable beater line is what I would use to define this team. Seppe De Wit is one of the best all around quaffle players in Europe and Seb Waters is definitely one of the best playmakers. Add in Leander Troll's valuable insight and Hanna Grosse's finishing talents, you have the makings of a compact quaffle squad that can outplay many teams, Chris Scholz's physicality is just the cherry on top! However, Stein Elgethun - Alex Carpenter - Merlin Zimmermann trio is promising against average beaters, it seems hard for them to keep up with beaters in the other teams in this particular tournament. No effective bludger control means no effective quaffle game, leading to a SOP in range and a possible loss at some point since opposing beater pairs would keep the bludger control during SOP." (6th)

"Experienced roster! Players from this team have experience across the whole spectrum of quidditch. I expect them to adapt to any situation and use some extra quidditch IQ when others will choose the straight forward option. The psychological war will be tough with this team." (2nd)

"We’ve always known German and Norwegian quidditch have a special relationship, but Amund has gone to town with his Übermannschaft. I like the cohesion, and the idea of players with more experience together but I wonder in reality how well Seb and Seppe gel within the unique German style. A middle ranking for me because this team is fine, but doesn’t excite." (5th)

"Excellent value throughout the draft, beating may not fully match up." (2nd)

3rd- Lucy Quidditch (UK)

Highest Judge Ranking- 1st                                          Lowest Judge Ranking- 5th 

 "Defensive powerhouse team" (2nd)

"She created the perfect roster. The male beaters together with her very smartly picked chaser line up will be a deadly combination. This team will have the upper hand during SOP, especially in SWIM matches and will shine with their clinical playing style." (1st)

"Lots of individual talent, but I just can't see them working very good as one unit. Talent alone is not enough." (5th)

"The fearsome Louis Lermytte - Bill Orridge beater duo would probably be the nightmare of many beater pairs but the lack of this team starts with the beater depth. While Alice Walker and Elisabeth Jørstad are decent beaters, it is hard for them to keep up with other duos in a long run. Taking Jørstad from quaffle play also brings down this team's quaffle game as Suzanne Fischer cannot keep up for whole elite games by herself. No doubt Lermytte's extraordinary coaching added with Mert Ayduman's energy might surprise their opponents but it is hard to say the same thing for the quaffle lineup. Luke Twist and Tom Stevens are both talented but individual players and Arif Gülbiter always seeks a leading distributor on pitch, it seems relatively hard for this team to build up enough quaffle chemistry to take the gold." (4th)

"Team good enough to blow most out of the water." (2nd)

"Good draft again. Players from the UK will definitely help driving this team in the right direction. Tom Stevens is a good fighting leader on both sides of the field. They might have hard times with SWIM situations. The Seeker level in this tournament is super important!" (4th)

2nd- James Thanangadan (UK)

Highest Judge Ranking- 1st                                                Lowest Judge Ranking- 6th 

"More utility than a Turkish apparel company." (1st)

"Defensively the best team out there. Lucy Quidditch and Mikey Orridge will force a lot of turnovers as they can take risks with this defense. Will have troubles in half court offense, which is why I'm not picking them to win." (2nd)

"Jordan “Yeah quidditch is like my 5th sport or something” Aymer-Jeffrey is easily one of Europe’s best seekers, but James’ collection of chaotic beaters needs a stronger anchor in order for Jordan’s clutch catches to matter." (6th)

"Great individuals female and male players, I do think they might have an issue with strong egos though. They don't have that "obvious" player who will step up as a leader and be followed as one. I expect this team to either win games from far ahead, or far behind." (5th)

"With a slightly weaker beater lineup in terms of depths when compared to some of the other teams on the board, this team can compensate on the physical side of the quaffle game, especially defensively. It might show a weak spot when confronted with the necessity of a more pass-oriented quaffle game though." (3rd)

"The four main beaters in this team look threatening for sure; the young talent Mikey Orridge and veteran Lucy Q would easily dominate any average beater duo, the Turkish aggression added by the Yeşilkaya - Yerlikaya duo lifts the pace of the beater game up to a point where most European beaters cannot keep up with. The quaffle lineup, on the other hand, lacks a true leading ball distributor despite having a pool of amazing talents. Yes, both Andrew Hull and Jørgen Stenløkk are above average keepers in Europe; they've even carried their teams to glorious wins from time to time; but both lack the consistency and top-tier game experience compared to their counterparts in other teams. Sami Fekkak is an extraordinary finisher and a good ball handler, Jeniva Chambers promises to be the best female chaser in Europe in the coming years but still has some way to go there; the best ball handler and distributor in this team is the coach Thanangadan, whose contribution would carry this team some way for sure but maybe not as far as the final." (3rd)

1st- Stein Elgethun (NOR)

Highest Judge Ranking- 1st                                                Lowest Judge Ranking- 6th

"Strong draft top to bottom of the list. Not even a gap to fill. French connexions might do the job if the game goes out of hand for some reason. Good job Stein!" (1st)

"The excellent beater core of this team gives its coach several options of playstyle that can be adapted to the strategical necessities that any opposing team could produce. With lots of the elite chasers on this team having played together before or simply bringing incredible skill to the table, the quaffle game of this team could easily find counters for any challenge an opposing offense or defense might come up with." (1st)

"It was very clear Stein had a cohesive plan while drafting his team. He has a great mix of talent and managed to get one of the best value picks with Silver Chacón in the end." (4th)

"Great squad, amazing beater core, but not sure if their offense brings enough to be considered the best team. Can you win this tournament with Fatih Aykurt as your main quafffle carrier is the question I'd ask of this team. Will beat a lot of teams because of their existing chemistry and their depth is good." (3rd)

"Kaan Bolat in the best coach in Europe. Fatih Aykurt and Sylvain Hochedé are extremely dynamic players, throwing Jonathon Cookes into that mix is my favourite male quaffle line of the entire draft. While all teams have fantastic bludger-players, Stein’s team has the most tactically minded male-beaters. Too many male beaters ride on chaos and mayhem but Kamil Urgun and Silver Chacón do think carefully rather than just relying on brute strength. For this reason, and the reliability of Sila Yüksel, Shade Jaiyeola, and Blanca Brenes Martínez to more than hold their hold own in the quaffle department, Stein’s team is the most versatile when considering any gender configuration." (1st)

Judges' Favourite Value Picks

"I'd go with Chris Scholz. Seeing him being drafted that high underlines his power and ability on the field at his prime. I didn't see him play for a while but I remember being in awe when I finally saw him in person and played against him. I guess he wasn't on a lot of people's radar. That's why he is my favourite pick in this draft."

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"I'd go with Flora Giaquinto. Both fits perfectly with her team and is also someone who should have been drafted way earlier as a top tier european beater. Stein made a sweet deal here."

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"Silver Chacón being the last draft of the tournament was very surprising. They are a fast and agile player, who can easily create openings for their chasers in offense. They have played for NTNUI Rumpeldunk, as well as for the Norwegian national team on the highest level and have proved that they can challenge the best beaters in Europe."

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography 

"Julia Piazolo, Heidelberger Hellhounds, Team Germany. Although she is a rather new talent in the european scene, her talents are already well known for her outstanding performance in the european games 2019 (namely e. g. being the top german goal scorer against powerhouse belgium in the semi-finals). She is extremely quick, tall, has near-perfect shooting and passing (handball player) and also shows very high skill in scoring by drive in no-beater-situations. Thus, seeing her go so late in the draft surprised me. I am very happy that she got picked for my team though, because playing with her is loads of fun and in case this tournament would actually happen, that would be amazing!"

Photo Credit- Van Klaveren Quidditch Photography

"Neil Kemister due to the fact that despite being Australian he managed to qualify for this European draft. Also he is the only player drafted in this that has won a Quidditch World Cup."

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"Rojcan Azbay provides the power in Andrew's team as one of the main playmakers. A real beast that can lead a team in finesse, but can also step up and inject elite physicality throughout entire tournaments, let alone a couple of matches"

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"Johannes Klein Peters was a great pick. Jona Piens has lowkey become a top 5 female beater in Europe, people just dont know it yet."

Photo Credit- Honeybadger Quidditch Pictures

"William Nouvel. Really underestimated player. Smart decisions and great arm for cutting players."

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"Adding Meike Hinz into Glenn's pack of quaffle players? Simply genius. She fits perfectly in the team to form the best overall quaffle squad in this draft. Meike Hinz, in my opinion, is the definition of what kind of a teammate I would want to have; she can drive, she can shoot, she is a very talented playmaker, she has physicality that can outplay most players and is an easily adaptable team player"

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"Ahmet Can Karakadılar on Andrew's team. Andrew had already secured elite physical talents by picking Albert, Amund, Ben Malpass, Jackie Woodburn, Jan Mikolajczak AND Rojcan Azbay. But adding Ahmet Can to this pack would really mean this GM wants an impenetrable team.  It would be a fierce game between Glenn and Andrew's teams, and I found myself daydreaming about how that game would go."

Photo Credit- Unicorns Quidditch Photography 

Judges' favourite undrafted players

"Yunus Emre Duru from Hacettepe Quidditch is probably one of the most surprising talents I have ever seen. He and his partner Mert Ayduman almost caused a huge upset against Paris Titans in the EQC 2019 group stage, they kept the game in range during SOP for a while but Duru unfortunately got injured really badly. I just wish he had more chance to show his abilities at the international arena, I think he could be a game changer for a couple of teams in this draft had he been chosen by the GMs."

Photo Credit- Hacettepe Quidditch

"Sebastian Elster, beater for Rheinos Bonn, Team Germany and Berlin Bluecaps. He is a very talented, hard-working, athletic and clever beater that is arguably unmatched in his physicality and the intimidation he incites in his opponents. For his own team on the other hand, he brings warmth, motivation and unparalelled excitement that shape the atmosphere that helps you win tournaments."

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"Anjit Aulakh - He is an extremely versatile beater, who can play with a lot of different types of beater partners, but is also able to break up an entire offense on his own. With his smart, quick and powerful playing style he would have been a great addition for any of the 8 teams."


Photo Credit- More Quidditch Photos

"I'm surprised that Charles Rigoudy's name didn't show up at all in the draft. Would have be a terrific value pick in those late rounds. The sunglasses killed the fame I guess"

Photo Credit- Claire Purslow Quidditch Photography

"Miguel Vázquez de Lezeta. He is such a solid player, with high stamina, who brings talent and joy to every team he plays for. He would have been a valuable addition to every quaffle depth chart on this draft." 

Photo Credit- Ajantha Abey Quidditch Photography

"I have two Ben Morton and Robbie 'Dugald' Young. Two of the best players and coaches both of them have had lasting impacts on the sports. They also share a unique achievement as both have caught snitches to tie BQC finals and then caught again to win in overtime."

Robbie 'Dugald' Young. Photo Credit- Jun Aishima (European Quidditch Cup)
Ben Morton. Photo Credit- Federica Zagordo

"Everyone absolutely slept on Chema Hidalgo-Lopez. As an experienced coach for Barcelona Eagles, Catalonia, and Glasgow he always brings the best from his teammates. As player he is adept across all positions. Huge value as a player and a leader. Big mistake."

Photo Credit- Claire Purslow Quidditch Photography

Overall Combined Results

The Public and Judges voting used a points system (points for each vote are in brackets below) and the two were combined together following the conclusion of voting with the lowest point value representing the desired outcome in the final ranking. With that in mind, here are the final overall combined results of the Total Quidditch. European All-Time Fantasy Fantasy Draft & Tournament.

1st- Stein Elgethun (NOR)- 1st in Public Voting (9), 1st in Judges Voting (31). 40 Points.

2nd- Lucy Quidditch (UK)- 3rd in Public Voting (27), 3rd in Judges Voting (40). 67 Points.

3rd- Glenn Bellégou (BEL)- 2nd in Public Voting (18), 6th in Judges Voting (51). 69 Points.

4th- James Thanagadan (UK)- 4th in Public Voting (36), 2nd in Judges Voting (38). 74 Points.

5th- Amund Kulsrud Storruste (NOR)- 5th in Public Voting (45), 4th in Judges Voting (46). 91 Points.

6th- Andrew Hull (UK)- 7th= in Public Voting (63), 5th in Judges Voting (49). 112 Points.

7th- Michele Clabassi (ITA)- 6th in Public Voting (54), 7th in Judges Voting (66). 120 Points.

8th- Lore Badts (BEL)- 7th= in Public Voting (63), 8th in Judges Voting (78). 141 Points.

Massive congratulations to Stein Elgethun and his team who are now officially the Champions of the European All-Time Fantasy Fantasy Tournament!

Photo Credit- Norges Rumpeldunkforbund (Petter Elstad)

Would also like to thank all the other 7 GMs for their effort, participation and cooperation throughout the competition, the Analysts (Hanna Grosse, Jay Louis Holmes, Elisabeth Jørstad Louis Lermytte, Ashara Peiris, Olly Nguyen, Leander Troll and Alice Walker) for giving their time and insight on our weekly Draft Broadcasts, the Judges (Kaan Bolat, Albert Bregeault, Paul Fander, Louis Lermytte, Max Martens, Bex McLaughlin, Michael "Yada" Parada, Jemma Thripp, Leander Troll, Austin Wallace & Andrea Wöger) for providing their critical thought and opinion in rankings our teams and of course to everyone who followed the competition here, on the draft livestream and on the facebook page and participated in the vote. We all miss quidditch right now and hopefully this has been a great way to celebrate some of the greatest players in the European game while also providing some entertainment and thought-provoking discussion in these difficult times. 

If you've only just discovered Total Quidditch. through this competition, this is a place for quidditch analysis and discussion and it's a pleasure to see you here. There's more content to come in the following weeks and months so make sure you look out for that and feel free to get involved in the discussion and ask questions/make article suggestions via the TQ. facebook page.

Much Love,




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