What is Total Quidditch?


My name is Fraser. I just thought I'd provide a bit of background about me and what Total Quidditch. is all about.

A Bit About Me 

I started playing quidditch in my first year of university at the University of Southampton, UK back in September 2014. I'm now into my 7th season of quidditch having spent 3 seasons playing for Southampton Quidditch Club Firsts, winning the British Quidditch Cup, Southern Cup and a European Quidditch Cup Bronze medal in my time there. I also spent a season playing in Spain for Madrid Wolves and the Spanish national team at European Games and previously I was selected as a reserve for Team UK. More recently, I represented Hong Kong, at the IQA Quidditch World Cup and Captained the Northern Watch in the Quidditch Premier League. I then spent a season with the Manchester Manticores before joining my current team, Velociraptors QC, with whom I won Northern Cup. Besides playing quidditch, I enjoy coaching and teaching the sport to players of all ages and abilities, refereeing, commentating, journalism and analysis. 

I love the game, I live the game.

What is Total Quidditch?

Quite simply, Total Quidditch is a platform for me to express my views and insights about quidditch. I intend on using TQ to provide analysis, coverage and topics for discussion for anyone who is interested in such things. It's first and foremost a project for myself as I enjoy following and talking about quidditch on my own free will but if anyone else enjoys what I have to say then that's a bonus. I can't promise to pump out a consistent supply of content but I'll do my best to provide an interesting article here or there whenever I have to time to produce one. As primarily a quaffle player throughout my quidditch career, I imagine there will be a natural bias in my views towards that side of the game (sorry beaters). I don't claim to be the fount of all quidditch knowledge nor am I the greatest tactician the sport has ever seen, I'm just a guy putting out some quidditch content that you'll hopefully find engaging and entertaining.

BIG DISCLAIMER- The views expressed in any posts on TQ are purely opinions I hold at the time of writing. What I write here is neither necessarily right or wrong, just a matter of perspective. As they are merely opinions, they should be treated as such and I am more than happy to discuss those opinions with people if it is done so in a respectful manner. Opinions can change over time and I'm certainly willing to have my opinions be changed in light of new evidence and debate and I definitely don't mind being proven wrong. Basically what I'm trying to say is, if anything in my posts upsets you, I apologise and assure you that whatever I write is in the best interest of creating thought-provoking content, for I believe that is how we can progress the sport of quidditch.

Thank you.

I hope you enjoy what's to come on TQ.

Live the Game.



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