The Total Quidditch. Podcast- Episode 25: Mette Sundal

Meme Wars, Roundnet and Mindset-Mette Sundal In this episode, we talk with Norwegian star beater Mette Sundal. We talk about all kinds of different topics including Roundnet, Norwegian quidditch, Mette's background in football, her favourite matches and tournaments including Norway's win over France at the 2019 European Games, how she mentally approaches games, gaining recognition as a player, her playstyle as a beater and her role on her new team- Sagene IF Rumpeldunk. Click here to listen to the episode on Spotify Click here to listen to the episode on Anchor Timestamps for this episode will be available at a later date. Photo Credit- Oskar Gårdsrud Paulsrud, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved Thanks to our listeners for your patience. We unfortunately had some technical issues to sort out with episode which took longer to arrange than was originally anticipated. Hopefully we won't encounter similar issues with future episodes! Remember to 'like' the Total Q...