The Total Quidditch. Podcast- Episode 23: Luke Derrick

Playing to win, Burrito Bowls and A Wild Ride- Luke Derrick For the third episode of series 3, we return to Australia to talk to star beater and Quidditch Australia President Luke Derrick. Luke tells us all about how he got thrown into the deep end when he started playing quidditch with his first tournament being QUAFL (the Australian national championship) with the University of Sydney Unspeakables and the journey he went on from that point. We talk about all kinds of topics from Luke's appreciation for American quidditch and playing over in the States, how he took on an ill-advised crash diet before playing on the 2016 World Cup winning Dropbears team and spent the whole tournament eating nothing but Chipotle, reflecting on the fortunes of his club team (the Sydney City Serpents) and his State Shield team (New South Wales Blue Tongued Wizards), all the way to becoming an NGB president and what challenges he has faced in the role. Click here to listen to the episode on Spotify Cl...